Sunday, January 29, 2012

End of our 21-day Introduction Phase!

Hello and thanks for coming back to see out progress!

The Workouts
The boys are doing really well with their work outs.  Richard's swimming season has ended, but he is doing conditioning with the high school golf coach twice a week, 2 workouts at the Y, a tennis lesson, 2 golf lessons and at least one round of golf every week.  Jack continues to be very busy with wrestling, tennis, and Y workouts.  In addition Jack is in the school play and taking a weekly musical theater workshop, so he is getting some choregraphy and movement.  I have not had much success with my workouts.  I am not motivated to go and when I do go, I have so much muscle and joint pain that I don't want to return.  I have to find something to get me moving.

The Food 
Jack is the most consistent with the food.  He is very careful about what and how much he eats.  He slips up some, but not often.  Richard really struggles with the food.  He has a difficult time reducing portions, and although he packs lunch, he often buys extra food with his allowance.  He also slips food from the pantry to his room without permission.  I am doing okay.  I slip up late in the day.  I can honestly say that I am never hungry, but I have intense cravings and often just want to eat something.  Once I break bad, I can't stop.  I am not able to distinguish cravings and boredom or habit from hunger.  I have been using the Sensa, but I am inconsistent.  I have not noticed any difference in my appetite or control.  The most important food change that we have incorporated is that we all eat a "real" breakfast that includes substantial protein.  Also, we are improving our daily water consumption and the habit of small snacks every three hours is becoming a habit.

THE WEIGH IN  (drum roll please)
The Food Lovers plan strongly suggest that you do not weigh until the completion of the 21-day introduction phase.  Remember the first level of goals:  Me: 8 pounds, Richard: 15 pounds and Jack 12 pounds.  We were all hoping to accomplish these goals in the first month.
RESULTS:  Jack is our first biggest loser!  He has lost 7.6 pounds, Richard has lost 2 pounds, and I have gained 6 pounds.   I think everything is working for the boys.  Richard just needs to be more consistent.  Clearly, I need a new plan.  I am so disappointed and discouraged.  I will be looking for something different. 

Richard is starting to talk about wanting to lose weight.  He asked how he could get his belly and calves smaller.  He said there is one boy at school that is teasing him a lot.  If nothing else, in the last 21 days, we have started an open dialogue.

Stay tuned--the journey is going to be long and challenging.

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